Friday 9 September 2011

Blog post 9 (LOL)

I both agree and disagree with Benjamin when he said "To an ever greater degree the work of art reproduced becomes the work of art designed for reproducibility”. Some mediums such as the obvious photography and digital creation are designed to be reproduced but other mediums in the fine arts have had technology become available to reproduce or copy them. The process of creating prints is what broke the ‘one off’ and uniqueness of a work of art as the ability to easily create multiple works. The digital age has made it easier to share information and images. We no longer need to go to a gallery or museum to see the desired object. However a copy of something such as the Mona Lisa or the statue of David does not have the history and importance behind it. It doesn’t have the grandeur and lineage that the actual object has. “Authentic” is now to be left with historical pieces as modern mediums can be too easily reproduced.

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