Thursday 4 August 2011

Blog post 3

Most expensive new watch in the world

I both agree and disagree with Adolf Loos regarding the whole “culture is synonymous with the removal of ornament” debacle. The statement is too broad to be applicable in every circumstance and does not consider style which I am sure Adolf Loos was certainly lacking. I agree with him in saying early cultures ornamented everything because that’s what they did but just because someone  now wears a bit of bling doesn’t make them a degenerate criminal. What he postulates is that the more evolved a culture is the blander and plain a culture gets. But what of modern architecture where ornamentation has merged with form and now the two exist in almost all modern buildings. What he suggests is that eventually we will evolve to a point where there is nothing but function in design as ornamentation will have been weaned out to skimp on production costs. However I believe that as long as there is rich business men there will always be someone willing to pay one and a half million for a watch. People want to show their wealth. It’s what people do  

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