Thursday 21 July 2011

171 blog post 2.

 The pendulum swing the Beatles lived through.


The Beatles were a band that lived and performed through a pendulum swing. The Beatles were originally a wholesome suit and tie wearing band of good boys formed in 1960 at the beginning of a swing of the pendulum. They came from 50s looks and sounds until they were seduced by the cultural change and became the band that sang Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. They clearly show through their dress, album artwork and musical style the style and social change that occurred in the 60s. The cultural change was brought about by the hippie movement bringing with such sensuous ideas such as free love, anti Christianity and drug taking. The change is prevalent in the design of their album covers. “Please please me” is very aesthetically classically inspired. However “Yellow Submarine” is a different story. The 60s were a time of change; female sexuality was having a revolution which may explain the more feminine and curvaceous aesthetics in fashion art and of course the Beatles.

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