Saturday, 8 October 2011


For this week’s blog assignment I have chosen to focus on some of the greatest films ever made. STAR WARS. The design in these films is very postmodernist from the blaster rifles to the city of Naboo . Science fiction is often utilises many postmodern principles, referencing historical styles and remixing them. The city of Theed of Naboo is full of historical references(from earth)  heavily drawn from such cities as Venice and Istanbul and from the Byzantine architecture of greek churches. Scale is played with heavily giving birth to domes that stretch from giant temple like structures to the small residential buildings. Ornamental eclecticism is used heavily throughout all of the star wars films  The Naboo are one who go quite over the top with ornamentation . The queen is dressed in a manner which many would consider to be absurd. The remix techniques used give the city a very European aesthetic much like every American historical referencing that we have been learning about.

Figure 1. Theed, Naboo Star Wars episode 1